Black Lives Matter
Useful online resources for lists of black-owned businesses.
March 26, 2021
We must remember that racism still exists and plagues our country on a daily basis. Now with the recent rise in attacks against the Asian-American community, anti-racism continues to become a subject of much needed discussions. Last Summer during the BLM protests, the Capitol Hill community was rocked by police brutality and the terrible treatment imposed upon BLM protestors. We're committed towards educating others on anti-racism and also listening in an engaged conversation. Along with that, we wanted to post online resources that makes it easy for our community to support black-owned businesses in Seattle and beyond. Though the work continues, you can contribute by supporting black-owned businesses.
A local list (Seattle, WA) of black-owned businesses HERE from Seattle Refinery.
This list of local black-owned businesses provides an easy way to not only search businesses but restaurants specifically HERE.
Check out this LINK for a list of 150 black-owned businesses.
A statement from Julian Peña Gallery regarding the recent series of murders by police brutality.
July 8, 2020
We grieve while standing in solidarity, in the wake of the recent killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Sean Reed, Tony McDade, for their lives taken along with many other black men and women murdered by police officers. We stand in solidarity 100% with Black youth, families, and communities across the nation protesting police brutality and demanding justice. We support accountability. The killings must end NOW! Support Black Lives Matter Seattle.
As active protests and dismantling of an oppressive system continues, we’re engaged in hard conversations. Residing at the edge of the protests in Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA, where our community makes a stand that continues to inspire, there’s a sense of harmony and humanity from mutual aid efforts and the unification of black-led organizers, allies, and the community.
In the arts, racism, white supremacy, and systemic under-representation of artists other than white males remains disgracefully low; 75% of artists in US museums are by white men as evidenced in the Williams College funded Diversity of Artists in Major Museums 2019 report by Chad Topaz, data visualized in 2019 by female artist Mona Chalabi, of Iraqi immigrant ethnic heritage, within her artwork Who Are You Here To See; “The worst represented group in the US art world are women of color. We make up just 1% of all of the artists in major collections despite the fact that we account for 20% of the US population," and a CUNY’s Guttman College research study represented by the New York City’s top 45 commercial galleries revealed in 2017 that “80.5% of all artists at the top 45 New York galleries were white, though if the statistics are parsed to focus only on US artists, then the percentage climbs to 88.1%. In a country that’s 64% white, that’s a drastic difference.”
As we push for changes until racial equity becomes the norm, we realize the work begins with us. Julian Peña Gallery supports Black Lives Matter Seattle, and is committed to empowering black artists among the under-represented and traditionally under-resourced artists the gallery showcases, and invites everyone to support.