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We invite emerging artists, professional curators, art students/inters, and anyone else from the creative community who are up to the challenge and fun of curating their own show based on a broad theme provided by Julian Peña Gallery.
Julian Peña Gallery is seeking potential curators from the creative community of Seattle to organize and curate a particular group art show. Typically the gallery will choose a broad theme and invites the chosen curator to conceptualize and expand on that said theme. We aim to provide creative agency for those chosen to curate a show to further help represent the under-represented and traditionally under resourced demographics the particular show is celebrating and representing. In doing so, Julian Peña Gallery believes that we can extend our mission for diversity and inclusivity outside of a typical art show. The core of this company strives on the creative community and seeks to uplift under-represented creatives to a position unlike any other.
The WHo

With the backend assistance provided by Julian Peña Gallery, we encourage our curators to have a wide range of creative licensing to conceptualize and sharpen the initial broad theme into a relatable and abstract idea. We will also provide funding to help execute specific tasks that may enhance the show they're responsible for under the discretion of the gallery. The curator will be responsible for issuing a call for art to seek out artists to participate in the show for the chosen month a few weeks in advance. There will be a prescribed date/time where artists can meet the curator to drop off their works. The curator will help Julian Peña Gallery with hanging the works properly with the hanging hardware already provided by the space. They will also facilitate communications between the curator and the participating artists along with collecting artwork and artist information so Julian Peña Gallery can easily use the data for marketing and administrative purposes. The curator can even design the flyer for the art show if they have the desire to do so (otherwise the gallery administration will handle that).
Though the gallery will handle the marketing aspect of the art show, we encourage curators to take agency in sharing the announcement for the call for art and the art show event within their professional network. The curator does not have to be at the show openings however we encourage them to do so for at least one of them (we will have multiple openings and a closing show). Once the show approaches its closing date, the curator will help facilitate artwork pick up with the gallery.
Also, we love feedback! If you feel like there's anything we can do to improve the administration, marketing, and organizing shows (including the curatorship system itself) let us know!

For whichever month the curator is organizing a show for, Julian Peña Gallery will provide a passcode to unlock the facility keys to the gallery and studio space if they would like to utilize the space for their own artistic needs, as an office space to help administer gallery work, and/or to meet artists to discuss their participation in the show. Normally creatives would have to pay for a membership to have monthly access to the space and supplies, but the fees are waived for the curator only at during the art show month.
The curator can also arrange specific studio hours (with the approval of Julian Peña Gallery) and share the passcode with the artist if they have work they would like to create specifically for the show and need art supplies fully furnished by the space. The space at the moment includes photography studio, art making supplies, gilding materials, vinyl cutter, color laser printer, a bluetooth speaker for music/audio, tools, framing equipment, and of course a restroom within the conjoined building via Capitol Steps Apartments.
Be Empowered

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