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Artist Statement

Audio Artist StatementMasy Kazemain
00:00 / 00:58

Blowing Bubbles and Running From Bombs

I was born in Tehran- Iran in 1978 a year before the Iranian revolution followed by Iran -Iraq war. The Iran-Iraq War was particularly brutal, even as far as warfare in the Middle East is concerned. The war was defined by eight years of stalemates and failed offensives, indiscriminate ballistic missile attacks — often using chemical weapons — and insane asymmetrical warfare.

As a young girl born into a family full of artist and designers, creating was a daily ritual in our house and the only way to bring comfort and peace in the mayhem and chaos of the war that we had to live in.

Intuition weaves my brushstrokes and calms my PTSD caused, not only by my childhood experiences with revolution/war in Iran but also because of the last four triggering years with America being divided.

As a mother to a biracial boy, part Iranian and part African American the fear of the troublesome era brought stress and anxiety. The only way to bring peace of mind was to paint. These work that I have created are the result of this divisive era.

"In your light, I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems.
You dance inside my chest where no one sees you, but sometimes I do,
and that sight becomes this art."

Masy_Kazemian_IKnowExcatleyHowYouFeel_2020_MixMediaOnWood_17x11 - Masy Kazemian copy.jpg

I know exactly how you feel, 2020 Mix Media on wood
17 x 11”


MASY - Masy Kazemian.jpg


Masy Kazemian was born in Tehran Iran in 1978 and divides her time between Tehran and Seattle Washington. She lives with her husband and only son in Seattle. She is a self-thought outsider artist and takes inspiration from various sources including Persian motifs, Indian Mithila, and African folk art. Her work are tribal-like forms that she builds with vibrant colors and organic, pseudo-geometrical shapes.

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