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Based In : Ohio

Sarah Imran
Hoda Katebi, 2021
Digital Print on Paper
9" x 12"
Hoda Katebi is an Iranian-American writer, abolitionist organizer, activist, avid reader, writer, entrepreneur and creative educator. She is incredibly dynamic in the work that she leads and her impact is transnational. She is committed to criminal justice reform, fighting surveillance programs, and bringing about radical change in the fashion industry. I am in awe of Hoda’s radical imagination and leadership and made this portrait of her because of how inspiring she is to me.

Sarah Imran
Home Is Love, 2021
Digital Print on Paper
9" x 12"
When I think about growing up in Pakistan, one of the most beautiful aspects of my life there was living in community with others. Celebrations, moments of grieving, and all the daily mundane things that life brings became richer and more wholesome with the presence of communal living. Community when I was in Pakistan meant my big, beautiful family huddled around a full table at mealtimes exchanging laughs, poking fun at each other, exchanging updates – all while soaking in a warm comfort that we will always be there for each other.
Community looks different when you move away from home – it is a much more intentional cultivation of friendships and relationships that feel like home. Over time, our immediate community changes and evolves and while I deeply miss being in close proximity to my family, I am so grateful for the community I have cultivated and grown in this chapter of life. I have now started my own family and am laying down roots in my home away from home. I married my best friend and now he is family, and home is where he is. Home is love.

Sarah Imran
Reimagining Democracy, 2021
Digital Print on Paper
9" x 12"
The past two years have undoubtedly forced us to face the reality of what it means to be human. From the havoc wreaked by the COVID-19 pandemic to the injustices against the Palestinian people, the landscape has been rife with examples demanding the collective attention of a people for a people. What does it mean to be a democracy in this current climate? Democracy means the ability to stand up and advocate for vaccinating the public. Democracy means to stand up and voice support for the repressed. Democracy means to be able to stand up, in public, raise the Palestinian flag as a symbol of hope and resilience, and protest against the injustices levied against a dispossessed people without fear of adverse consequences as a result of your solidarity. Democracy means freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and the freedom to say, ‘No one is entitled to take away the light from, and plunge into the dark gloomy fields of despair, all the families and children that make up the present and the future of the Palestinian people’. And finally, democracy means a government hears the call of its people, responds to what they say, through words, and through actions in the form of policy change. When hundreds of thousands of protesters take to the streets to make their feelings and opinions known, a democracy listens attentively and responds swiftly.
Sarah Imran

Sarah Imran is an artist, a gender justice advocate, a researcher and a PhD student. She is currently studying Political Science and my research interests include gender justice, women’s rights in the Global South, and women-led social movements. Sarah’s paintings and illustrations allow her to bring her love of art and social justice together. Her art highlights issues of injustice, and also depicts a world based on principles of radical love and justice to expand our collective imagination of what’s possible.

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